Monday, July 26, 2010

Becker's 2010

Becker’s this year was a lot tamer with a lot less of a crowd, which turned out to be just fine. We were excited to have our own cabin this year and therefore Cooper got his own room, which he was very happy about. He couldn’t lay flat in his pack and play anymore so figured that probably wasn’t good for him. This year the weather was nice again which allowed us to enjoy plenty of boating, swimming and fishing. It was nice to have Abby up there and the kids played together really well. The first night they had a dance off and had the entire cabin up and dancing, it was pretty funny, I think even Doug danced for a few seconds. We took a day trip to Itasca State Park (Ron, Donna, Roger, Diane, Tim and our family all made the trip) on Tuesday and went for a 17 mile bike ride. Cooper came with and rode in a trailer and Tim and Rob split pulling him along. The girls all got electric assist bikes which helped, especially on the hills. We also did our annual golf outing to Chippewa National, Brian drove it over the lake but Rob still handily beat him with consistent drives and awesome putting (yeah I wish.) Ron actually played pretty well too, who knows he may up his golf outings to a 2 a year, watch out world. Cooper enjoyed the pool and it is kind of scary how fearless he is, with his lifejacket he can swim on his own and will just jump in wherever. He also had a lot of fun pushing the big kids in; Josh, Jordan and Sam were all great with him. Uncle Tim is Cooper’s favorite as he pretty much does whatever Cooper wants him to, playing horse, riding him, dancing, etc. After Tim left on Wednesday though Cooper became obsessed with Sam (16 year old girl) that was up there and almost every minute needed to know what she was doing. He was very excited to give all the kids tattoos as well. We didn’t have a lot of luck fishing this year (not a big surprise as I think we only went out 3 times) and Cooper is still scared of fish. The first time he was in the boat when we caught something it was a decent size northern that Roger caught, we got it in the boat and it flopped out of the net, Jami screamed for Cooper to get out of the way because it was close to him which kind of freaked him out. The rest of the week we tried to get him to touch smaller fish to no avail. Hopefully we can cure him of this next summer.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

Fourth of July is one of my favorite holidays, it falls right below Christmas Eve. We had another wonderful long weekend at the lake. Cooper went tubing for the first time and loved it. He is going to terrify me when he is older, I can guarantee it. He kept asking to go faster and loved hitting the big bumps that seemed to come out of no where.

The kids had a great time at the parade in Randall this year and got way too much candy.

Then we watched fireworks on lake in our boats, Cooper loves Sam. He stuck by her side for the majority of the weekend. It was so cute considering Sam used to do the same thing to me when she was his age.