Thursday, January 22, 2009

PSA for all dog & cat owners

My parent's dog recently became seriously ill. Pepper lost the majority of her hair, had oozing sores and was completely miserable. After finally taking her to a pet dermatologist they found the cause of her problems. They tried this new flea and tick medicine called Promaris (also spelled Premeris) and she now has pemphigus foliaceus, a condition where the immune system attacks the skin causing blisters, pustules and crusting erosions. It can be deadly if left untreated. Thankfully they figured out what was wrong before it was too late, but Pepper will have to be on medicine for the rest of her life.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Coopers growing vocabulary

Cooper is learning so much every day, it's amazing to watch him. Here are some of his words:

  • uh oh
  • da-for dad or dog, used interchangeably
  • mom/ma
  • hot (he makes a really funny face when he says this)
  • hi
  • blabbering nonsense
  • screaming when he is excited/hungry/mad

Monday, January 19, 2009

Cooper update

Cooper has changed so much lately, here are some highlights:

He loves vegetables! If we can't get him to eat anything a sure thing is peas or corn. This weekend he tried edamame and loved it. He had that and Cheerios for lunch yesterday.

He has now moved up to a booster seat. He wants nothing to do with his high chair anymore. If he is hungry he will either pull out the chair with his booster chair, sit at his picnic table or open "his" cupboard and bring something to us. He is also getting really good at using silverware, which is great except he doesn't want to use the baby silverware, he wants to use ours.

      He loves to put on our shoes and try to walk around.

      He enjoys drawing with pens or crayons. We are working really hard at keeping the crayons out of his mouth and off the carpet.

      Thursday, January 15, 2009

      End of 2008 recap

      Whew! The holidays and being busy at work sure took a toll on this blog, I don't know where to start. I guess start where I left off.

      We had a great Halloween, the weather was so nice! We took Cooper around to a couple of our neighbors houses and then he spent the night with Grandma and Grandpa Peterson so Rob and I could go out and have some Halloween fun.

      At the beginning of November the Boie's, Peterson's and Duran's went up north to visit my grandma. It was so great to see her again! I hope we can make it up again soon. Cooper had his first bloody injury by hitting his mouth on the bedside table at the hotel. Needless to say all of us were pretty freaked out.

      We spent Thanksgiving with my parents this year, it was fun to watch Cooper and Kaylin play. Friday Cooper and I spent a portion of the day at Rob's parents house since all of Donna's family was in town. After Rob got off work we went back to the Peterson's house for dinner to celebrate grandma turning 89! She is truly an amazing woman! I think she is in better shape than I am. She still shovels!

      Once it started getting cold we bought Cooper a winter jacket, snowpants, hat and gloves. He hates them. We ended using another jacket and hat because it wasn't' worth the fight every morning. Still makes for a cute picture though..
      We enjoyed watching the Vikings play this year. Cooper now does the sign for touchdown, super cute!

      This Christmas we were really blessed. We saw a lot of our family and friends, continued our traditions going shopping Christmas Eve with my dad at 6 am, Oyster Stew on Christmas Eve and even snuck in a trip to Wisconsin to visit with Grandma Dittman. Now this is where the story gets interesting..
      We had breakfast with Ron and Donna on Christmas morning and then jumped in the car and started south. About 20 miles south of Rochester our car died going 70 mph, it just stopped and wouldn't start again. Once we made it to the side of the road I called my dad and asked him if he had any ideas on what I could check. Nothing worked. We didn't know what to do, it's Christmas day and nothing is open. Then my dad called back with a plan. My brother in law was able to get a tow truck from work and they were going to tow my dad's car down so we could continue on to grandma's house. What a relief! But then we realized it would be at least 2 hours before we would see them. What to do? Thankfully we didn't have to think about it too long, a state trooper stopped and picked us up and dropped us off at a gas station. In case you are ever in this situation, they highly recommend you call 911, especially if you have kids with you. This was such a humbling experience! At the store we found a "home" in between some soda cases to sit and wait. We took turns chasing Cooper and preventing him from taking everything off every shelf. We even let him play with our cell phones for a while. Some how he managed to delete my contact information from Rob's phone and sign him up for ringback tones. The staff was so great to us, they kept offering us something to drink and gave us a free lunch. Dad and Adrian arrived a couple hours later, we switched cars and were on our way. We had a great visit with Grandma and the Petersons. Guess what happened on the way home? We had a flat tire on my dad's car in Rochester! Needless to say we were extremely glad when we finally made it home.