Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cars, Tattoos and big boy bed

Cooper like most boys loves cars! He can't get enough of them and he takes them everywhere, even to bed sometimes. When he first started playing with them he would line them all up and push them like a train or caravan. Now he makes the vroom vroom noise when he pushes them around. He always has at least two cars with him at all times.

When we were at the State Fair Cooper got his first temporary tattoo. He was a little scared when the guy applied it but he loved it! If you mentioned anything about a tattoo, he would point to his arm long after it had been washed off.

We got Cooper this big boy bed for his birthday. So far all he uses it for is jumping or he will lay on it when I am reading him books at bedtime. Yesterday at daycare Miss Christy moved him out of the pack'n play and on to a cot. Cooper got to pick a blanket from home to keep at daycare for awhile to help with the transition. I was nervous when I picked him up yesterday but he did great! He didn't get off the cot and actually took a nap. Hopefully this will help our transition to a big boy bed at home as well.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Tonight I took Cooper to the YMCA for swimming lessons. I think this is his third session and it showed. He loves the water! He was so excited to get in the pool, which was thankfully warm, and loved jumping in and even going under water. Tonight with the help of a noodle and the float belt Cooper swam on his own! It's so amazing to me that he is fearless and doesn't care about his face being in the water. The goal of this class is for him to swim without me by the end of the class, wish us luck. He is a little scared of the teacher so hopefully he will warm up by the end. Keep your fingers crossed.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Gopher Game in the new stadium

Tonight we attended the first Gopher game in the new TCF stadium!

We dropped Cooper off at the Peterson's so he could have a sleepover with Grandma and Grandpa. Before we headed to the game, we had to take a picture of all of us in our Gopher gear. Then Grandpa also joined the picture.

Since Rob is a student he was able to get us season tickets in the student section. We started the day out at Sally's for a cocktail and then headed to SAE to meet some of Rob's college friends.

Then it was time to head to the stadium. Because we have tickets were in the student section we had to enter in though this gate. The lines were pretty long though it was fun to watch Rob get frisked by the male security guard. :)

I was a little nervous about being the older people in the student section and was worried they would check my fake student ID. Well technically it's not fake, it's just not me (thanks again Lindsay!). We didn't have any problems and they didn't even check my id.

The stadium was amazing and you couldn't beat the views.

Thankfully the Gophers won - let's hope for a great rest of the season!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Welcome to motherhood

Both Rob and I know we have been really, really lucky with Cooper. He was a very happy baby, has always slept very well, hardly spit up and hasn't had too many sick days.

Today I got an email from daycare saying Cooper wasn't feeling well. Dang it. Last night he was coughing a little bit and had a runny nose. By the time I picked him up at 4:30 he had a fever and was coughing harder. During dinner he kept saying "mama night night", this was at 7:00. So by 7:45 we were cuddling in our bed watching a movie (his sheets were in the wash). Both of us fell asleep but I was woken up around 10:00 by gagging noises. I quickly jumped up and ran to grab a towel. Too late. It was all over our bed, Cooper and me. Thankfully Rob got home not too long after this happened so he could cuddle with Cooper and I could clean up the mess.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

2 years old already?

It's hard to believe Cooper is 2. While I have been telling people he was almost two it's a little strange to think he is now officially two. We had a birthday party for him on the 29th of August at a park by our house. He loves to play at the playground so we figured it was a perfect fit. It was a little cold for being the end of August but everything turned out great.
On Cooper's actual birthday we wanted to do something special with him but decided we didn't want to be inside on a beautiful day. We ended up taking him to a park to play where he decided he likes to swing. He didn't want to get off. :) I think he was on the swing for over 25 minutes.
Last year we started a tradition where we take a family picture in front of our house next to the same tree so we see how much we have changed. Here is our picture from this year.